青岛猎头公司职位-- 销售及市场经理
   2020-10-12 16:36:18    文字:【】【】【

Support definition of marketing & sales strategy for Asian market 辅助制定亚洲市场销售战略 Develop programs/activities for executing strategy in off-line and on-line channels and manage those 开发线上及线下渠道计划/活动并进行相应管理 Monitor/research market-, technology-, product-, price- and sales trends in the target market, as well as activities of competition; prepare market analysis/reports regarding market size, competitors, products, price trends and market shares 对市场、技术、产品、价格及销售的趋势进行调研,同时关注相关竞争的相关信息;对市场进行如容量、竞争者、产品、价格趋势及份额进行相应分析 Develop annual, quarterly and monthly sales plan - develop and execute plans to achieve sales targets 制定年度、季度及月度销售计划-制定和执行计划并达到销售目标 Manage existing CID customers/sales channels 管理现有的CID客户及销售渠道 Identify, acquire and develop new customers (especially in B2B business in Asia and B2C business outside China), distributors or partners according to marketing and sales strategy for Asian market (focus South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia) 按市场销售战略确定、争取及发展新客户(特别是在亚洲B2B客户及中国区外的B2C客户),在亚洲市场的分销商及合作伙伴(特别是南韩,日本,台湾,印尼及马来西亚) Define and execute marketing and sales programs/activities for new product launch and coordinate phase-out-plans for old products 对新产品制定和执行MS流程及活动计划;支持老产品退出计划 Coordinate planning of intercompany business with Europe and the US 配合欧洲及美国的公司间的业务 Actively generate sales by intensive customer contacts, building up relationship to customer?s decision makers, design-in of products, negotiating contracts and pricing 通过深入与客户的接触来促进销售,与客户的决策人员、产品设计、谈判、价格制定者建立良好关系 Define and execute marketing strategy, -programs and -budgets for Asian market in agreement with CID headquarter 在CID总部的指导下对亚洲市场制定及执行市场战略,流程及预算 Manage and execute marketing activities/programs, control efficiency of marketing spendings 管理及执行市场活动、流程,保证市场活动费用的高效使用 Organize efficient and customer oriented customer service management (technical support, service hotline, customer claim management) and internal sales processes 组织有效及客户化客户管理(技术支持、服务热线,客户投诉管理)和内部销售程序 Manage and train sales and marketing employees; monitor and review performance of employees 管理及培训本部门员工及对他们的绩效进行考核及回顾
Knowledgeable, experienced and a proven successful leader who possesses multi-cultural and multi-national experience with hands-on agility and ability to devise the best methods for achieving targets or projects in varied cultural and organizational settings 拥有相应的知识、经验并且是成功的领导;有多文化和多国工作的经验;有能力在不同的文化及组织下,设计最佳办法来达到既定目标或项目 Min. 4 years experiences in sales function in electronics business, preferable in IT/peripheral industry 至少在电子商业上有四年销售经验,有在IT及外围设备工作经验更佳 Good communication and negotiation skills 具良好沟通及谈判能力 Good skills of handling business affairs (building up good relationship with existing customers and developing new customers) 良好商业事务能力(维护和发展客户) Experience in handling of OEM and B2B customers 具OEM及B2B客户方面的经验 University degree or above, preferably in Sales, Marketing, or Electronics Engineering, technical understanding of peripheral products 大学或以上学历,有销售、市场、电子工程、外围产品技术良好理解更佳 Proficient in both spoken and written Chinese and English 良好中英文写作和表达能力。 Proficient with Microsoft Office, especially Excel and Power Point Presentation 熟练使用MS office, 特别是Excel和PPT Strong leadership and communication skills across all levels of the organization 跨组织层级的领导和沟通能力 Multi-tasking and able to work independently. 同时处理多件事务及独立工作 Able to work under pressure 能在压力下工作 Good problem solving and judgment capability 良好的解决问题能力和判断能力 Strong leadership, coaching, executive- and management skill 良好领导、辅导、执行和管理能力 Strategic thinking skills and strong analytical ability 战略思考能力和良好分析能力 Work in Cherry culture of respect, openness, teamspirit 能在Cherry文化下的尊重,开放及合作精神下工作 Strong willingness to travel (domestic and international) 能适应经常在国内外出差
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